Everest Jones Hitchhikes To Betelgeuse

Attention, Everest has entered the building. Hide the doughnuts! I repeat, hide the doughnuts!

Everest is a juvenile book without many redeeming qualities and it makes me laugh. I wrote it in the hopes of finding others out there who enjoy a good, non-PC laugh now and then. If you’re offended, then you didn’t pay attention to the warnings at the beginning.

You can buy Everest here.Everest Betelgeuse edited better

Science Fiction

For me, science fiction means technology. People may do magical things, but they usually have a gadget. I generally don’t mix my magic and technology, unless its something like mind powers enhanced by wetware.

A big part of the story in science fiction is how the biological characters relate to the technology around them. Part of the allure of a show like Firefly or the early Star Treks was how personal the captain took any attack on his ship. They cared, so we cared. Compare that relationship to so many modern classics where technology is the enemy (Matrix, Bladerunner).

My science fiction tends to engage a single topic and let me “talk” about it while telling the internal story. I purposefully keep myself to only those advances that will advance the plot line, to spare you detailed blueprints of the inner spacecraft kitchen space or the digestive processes of little green men.

For a very short time, Miner Six is available to read for free on Inkitt. It is a serious scifi book, technically climate fiction, unlike the farce below. If you like your fart and fat jokes, Everest has both in abundance. But I love him.